Ed Monk
George Edwin William Monk, 1894 - 1973
Ed Monk, Sr., one of the premier naval architects of the Pacific Northwest from the late 1920s through the 1960s, designed everything from dinghies to sailboats to power boats. The Monk legend is connected more with classic power cruisers than with any other style of boat.
Monk was born in Port Blakely, WA., began his career as a shipwright apprentice in 1914. He went on to work at the Blanchard Boat Co. on Lake Union, where he met naval architect Ted Geary. In 1926 Geary hired him as a draftsman. Around 1934, Monk designed and built the 50' yacht "Nan", which he and his family lived aboard at the Seattle Yacht Club.
Originally, he kept his design office aboard Nan, using a small corner of the saloon.
Monk moved his office to the Grandy Boat Company in 1940, and later to an office at the Marina Mart on Westlake Ave. In 1947 he moved again, to the National Building, near the Coleman Dock on the Seattle waterfront.
Monk died in 1973 at age 79, after a successful and prolific career.